by blogmaster | Sep 17, 2013 | Divrei Torah, Holidays
Yom Kippur Divrei Torah– 5774/ 2013 Introduction to the Confessional-revised by Treasure Cohen: Once a year–on Yom Kippur– we get an opportunity to look into a virtual mirror and examine our imperfections (and if we need...
by blogmaster | Sep 16, 2013 | Divrei Torah
“Let Them Eat Cake.” What does this bring to mind? Is it the words of Marie Antoinette, strolling as Bo Peep, in the Gardens of Versailles, immune to the starvation of her people. Or in “The Butler,” the scene where the protagonist, suffering from hunger,...
by blogmaster | Sep 10, 2013 | Divrei Torah, Holidays
Introduction to the Haftarah—Rosh Hashanna Treasure Cohen—Sept. 5, 2013/ 5774 Shana Tova! Today is a powerful day in our Jewish holiday cycle– the birth of a new year for our people and an opportunity for re-birth in our personal lives. So it is not...
by blogmaster | Sep 10, 2013 | Divrei Torah, Holidays
Around 1850, Schopenhauer pronounced noise to be the supreme archenemy of any serious thinker. His argument against noise was simple: A great mind can have great thoughts only if all its powers of concentration are brought to bear on one subject, in the same way that...
by blogmaster | Sep 10, 2013 | Divrei Torah, Holidays
Today we are commanded to hear the sound of the shofar. This commandment first appears in Leviticus 23:24-25. It says: “In the seventh month, on the first of the month, it shall be a Sabbath for you, a remembrance of the shofar blast; a holy occasion.” In the next...